Braathen Dendrokronologiska Undersökningar

Buildings in rural area of Gotland

Bringes in Norrlanda.
On the farm Bringes in the parish of Norrlanda, about 7 km from the east coast and about 2 km west of the church the ruin of a medieval two storeyed stone building is situated. As vernacular stone buildings in the rural and forested districts are rare, persons interested in history have been looking for answers to why the building was erected in stone and for what purpose it was erected.

Dating of the building may increase the possibility of more information to research in history.

Bulverket Tingstäde Träsk.
In the middle of a lake, Tingstäde Träsk, in northern Gotland a construction consisting of about 38000 pieces of timber (Bulverket) is situated. The structure is a square with a length of 270 m of the outer side. It is open in its interior. It is surrounded in some distance by two rows of vertical poles, knocked into the bottom of the lake. The structure consists of rows of parallel placed log framed bases along the sides of the square. In between are remains of buildings in framework construction.

When setting up a golf course about 20 km south of Visby a harbour structure was found, consisting of a large number of poles of pine. These beams apparently had been part of at least two big bridges.

The discovery of that thoroughly constructed harbour and its dating may be of value for future investigation of the gotlandic travelling farmers. A number of dense settlements close to the sea have been discovered on the island.

Lauks i Lokrume.
In the farm Lauks, Lokrume parish, north-eastern Gotland, is a stone house, which at least during the last two centuries has been used as a store house, at a time as a poultry house. The house has since the nineteenth century by antiquarians been considered as a medieval building. It is not known for what purpose it was built.

The house has two floors with two rooms on each. The outer walls are made of limestone and carry a barrel vault. Each room has a doorway with an arched door frame in dressed stone. The rooms in the upper storey can only be reached by a ladder, but there has been an outside gallery resting on beams, fixed in the wall. The two rooms in the upper storey are separated by a plank wall of pine in stave construction.